The 4 Lanes of the Legacy Offering

Here's how we plan to steward our legacy offering this year...

Staff Reinvestment

25% of the Legacy Offering will help our staff get continuing education and training at a church training conference for the first time in our church's history.

Equipment Needs

30% of the Legacy Offering will go to help us purchase equipment needs in our 4 keystone ministries: Trailkids, Students, Worship, Production. You can see the list of those items below.


20% of our legacy offering will be given away to local missions, as always. This year we will be utilizing these funds to help rebuild homes in the immediate area as well as the WNC community.

Savings/Building Fund

25% of the Legacy Offering goes to our Future building plans and taking the first steps for a renovation or future purchase of our campus. This step is only available since we were able to pay off our debt last year!

Equipment Needs from Legacy Offering

Trailkids: Daycare Buggy

Trailside is growing so quickly and that means Trailkids is too! We know you’ve heard how much fun learning about Jesus our Trailkids have, but sometimes our littlest disciples need a breath of air. Trailkids will be using their Legacy gift to purchase a sweet new ride for our toddlers to get out for a quick trip and return safely and happy.

Worship and Production: Drum Mics and Cage, In-ear monitoring System

Our worship and production team leads are joining forces for the greater good! In our sanctuary one thing we have a hard time controlling is the level of drum noise. These funds will allow us to build a proper ‘cage’ to insulate and control the sound levels within the sanctuary while setting up microphones to keep the sound at a healthy — and happy — level for all.

Trailside Student Ministry: Retreat/Camp Travel

With our growing student ministry, we have had to rent vans for trips, retreats, and more. These funds will help pay insurance and maintenance costs for a van that has been donated to the student ministry so that we can take our students to trips without the growing expense of rental vans.

What if we exceed our goal?

Great Question! If we exceed our $25,000 goal for our end of year Legacy Offering, we would like to recarpet the Sanctuary as well as finally have a proper sign at the road built. We are currently gathering estimates in order to understand what those costs will be.

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