The Original Filmmaker: Finding Inspiration in God’s Creativity

Sarah Schrock   -  

I wanted to take a moment to focus on something that constantly inspires me: God’s creativity.

As someone who spends her days dreaming up graphics, crafting visuals, and finding new ways to connect with our community, I can’t help but be struck by the sheer brilliance of creation. From the swirling galaxies in the vast expanse of space to the delicate intricacies of a snowflake, the world around us is a testament to the incredible creativity of a deliberate Creator.

From the vibrant colors of a sunset, the powerful roar of the ocean, the unexpected sweetness of a freshly-picked strawberry, the complexity of the human brain – these are all expressions of a creative force unlike any other.

God’s creativity is also woven into the very fabric of our existence. We are made in His image, which means He gifted us with the ability to create, dream, and imagine. Whether it’s painting a masterpiece, composing a symphony, or simply writing a heartfelt note, we are all channeling that spark of divinity within us.

So, the next time you find yourself feeling uninspired, take a moment to look around you. Let the beauty and complexity of creation wash over you. Remember, you are a child of the Creator, and that inherent creativity is waiting to be unleashed.

Here are a few prompts to help you tap into your God-given creativity
this week:

Find inspiration in nature: Take a walk in the park, spend time by a river, or simply gaze at the stars. Let the natural world spark your imagination.

Explore different art forms: Visit a museum, listen to music from a new genre, or try your hand at a new craft. You might be surprised by what ignites in you.

Use your creativity for good: How can you use your talents to serve your community or spread a message of hope?

Remember, God is the ultimate creator, and we are made in His image. Let’s continue to be inspired by His work and use our own creativity to share the light of faith with the world.


Sarah Schrock serves as the Creative Director at Trailside Church in Travelers Rest, SC. In addition to being creative at work, she thrives at creating art in the form of food, and is beloved by her husband, Mike. They reside in Greenville, SC with their dog Stevie, who is a very good girl and Milo, who is a cat. Contact Sarah by email: