Nuturing Faith in Your Children: 6 Steps to win (and why we do it at Trailside)

Kim Searcy   -  

Nurturing Faith: Why Discipling in TrailKids Really Matters

When choosing where you will plant your family’s long term discipleship at a church, a common filter is if your children will be babysat or discipled and taught each Sunday.  It is a question many people ask us when they are asking about our church culture, that you may have asked as well (or frankly should be asking when looking for a church):

“Will my child be taught on their level, or do they mostly have fun and do arts and crafts?”

Although that question is a summary of many various statements, one thing that we constantly see at Trailside is that parents want to be sure their children experience 3 things: fun with friends, a safe and secure environment, and discipleship on their level that will prepare them for their future.

Great children’s ministries believe that the most important thing is a safe and secure environment but recognize that in that environment we have an incredible opportunity to make the hour and 15 or so minutes we have teach, train, and help our kids know their identity, eternity, and future are even more secure than the code-locked doors their parents yearn for as well.

Within the bustling halls of Trailside Church, our children’s program, TrailKids, often serves as a vibrant hub of activity and learning. Yet, beyond mere entertainment or childcare, our  program plays a pivotal role in shaping the spiritual foundation of young lives. Here’s why Trailside thinks it’s crucial to disciple kids in our children’s department:

Rooting Them in Their Faith

TrailKids provide a fertile ground for planting seeds of faith in young hearts. Through age-appropriate lessons, stories, and activities, kids can begin to grasp the core principles of their religious beliefs. Discipling them within these programs allows for intentional and systematic teaching, ensuring that foundational truths are instilled early on. According to Barna research, over 90% of parents believe it is important for their children to be “equipped to explain the Christian Faith” and to be “engaged in service” — and this begins by bringing foundational understanding and deep roots within their lives.

Building Relationships

Discipleship is not just about imparting knowledge; it’s about forming deep, meaningful relationships. Within the context of children’s programs, mentors and leaders have the opportunity to forge bonds with the young participants, serving as role models and spiritual guides. These connections create a sense of belonging and support, vital for a child’s spiritual journey.  Leading trained, background checked, and called volunteers allows a great space for our kids to grow together and always have a trusted peer as well as a caring mentor as they grow up.

Modeling Christlike Behavior 

Children learn as much from what they see as from what they’re told. By embodying Christlike virtues and values, leaders in children’s programs can leave a lasting impression on impressionable minds. Whether through acts of kindness, patience, or humility, these mentors demonstrate the transformative power of living out one’s faith. Statistics show that children who grow up tend to model the behavior of their role models and mentors, and we are dead set on not only teaching our Trailkids who Jesus is, but how that matters in their every day lives.

Navigating Life’s Challenges

Growing up in today’s world presents a myriad of challenges and complexities. By providing a safe space within the children’s program, kids can explore their questions, doubts, and struggles in the context of their faith. Discipling them equips them with the spiritual tools and resilience needed to navigate life’s ups and downs with grace and conviction. Jesus Himself said that we will have trials, and acknowledging that first allows us to remind our kids that He has already overcome.

Empowering Future Leaders

The children of today are the leaders of tomorrow. By investing in their spiritual growth and development, we empower them to become leaders who will impact their communities and the world for good. Through discipleship in the children’s program, kids can discover and cultivate their unique gifts and talents, preparing them to serve and lead with humility and integrity. 

Continuing the Legacy

Discipling kids in the children’s program ensures the continuity of the faith tradition from one generation to the next. As children grow and mature, they carry with them the lessons, values, and memories cultivated within the church community. By passing on the torch of faith, we ensure that the light of God’s love continues to shine brightly in the lives of future generations. A popular verse that parents quote is from Proverbs 22:6 – “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” The Gospel legacy that we leave in our children is sure not to be put out!

In essence, we believe that discipling kids inTrailKids is not just a duty; it’s a sacred privilege and responsibility. It’s about nurturing young souls, fostering deep connections, and equipping the leaders of tomorrow with the tools they need to shine brightly for God’s glory. So let us embrace this calling with joy and dedication, knowing that in discipling children, we play a vital role in shaping the future of the faith.

If you have questions about Trailkids, need help discipling your own children at home, or best practices to build a pathway for your child to know Jesus, feel free to reach out to our Trailkids Director, Kim Searcy.


Kim Searcy is the Children’s Director at Trailside Church in Travelers Rest, South Carolina. She is also a teacher in the Greenville County School system. She is the wife of Thomas and has 3 children at home while residing in Berea. She is a passionate Gamecock fan, enjoys family over everything, and is known by all as a passionate, professional, and encouraging person in all she does. You can contact Kim through her email,