Investing in Tomorrow: Why Discipling the next generation matters

Austin Graham   -  

Student ministry is a very crucial ministry, because it affects a very crucial time in a young
person’s life as they grapple with identity, purpose, and where they belong in the world. This is
why we need to take discipling the next generation very seriously and it starts in the home. Its
not just important…It’s vital.

Passing the Torch: A Biblical Mandate
The Bible is filled with examples of discipleship, from Jesus investing in his disciples to Paul
mentoring Timothy. We see a clear call to not just learn the faith, but to live it out and share it
with others. Student ministry provides a space to create that legacy of faith, where older
students can mentor younger ones, fostering a deep connection and growth in their faith
journeys. In the home as parents you are called to disciple your child as well, they will be
discipled one way or another by the way you live, react to things and act towards people. We
are all unaware of what disciple sometimes so that is why it is important to disciple this next
generation Biblically.

Building a Foundation for Life
The teenage years are a time of immense change. Discipleship offers a steady hand to navigate
these complexities. Through mentorship, students can explore their faith, ask tough questions,
and develop a personal relationship with God. This strong foundation becomes a guiding light
as they face the challenges and opportunities of adulthood.
Discipleship in Action
Discipleship isn’t a one-way street. It’s about creating authentic relationships where students
see their leaders living out their faith. This means more than just delivering sermons; it’s about
sharing struggles, celebrating victories, and walking alongside them through thick and thin. This
genuine connection shows students that faith is real, relevant, and something they can actively
pursue in their own lives.

Empowering the Future
By investing in your student you are choosing to help make an impact on this next generation
for the Kingdom. It all starts in the home and the choice to be real and authentic with your
student. What disciple are you making? And will you choose to pursue your student in biblical


Rev. Austin Graham is the Student Pastor as Trailside Church in Travelers Rest, SC. He has been married to his wonderful wife, Sam, for just over a year and currently reside in Boiling Springs, SC, although are looking forward to making the move to Travelers Rest in the very near future. He enjoys disc golf, leading worship and playing guitar, and enjoying dad jokes, potato tacos at Taco Bell, and spending time with ‘his wife’s’ cats. You can reach him at