Hobby Groups
Hobby Groups are built around any kind of activity you may enjoy partaking in with others. These groups will typically meet around once a month and are open to anyone who would like to join. Some of these groups may require a small fee (ie softball) in order to join.
Although a full listing of groups will be available shortly, here are some groups you can hop into or be placed on the contact list once they open up (scroll down for the listing). We currently have a softball team and hiking on Thursday mornings at 10:00!
The Hobbies

Co-Ed Softball
Come join our Co-Ed softball team on Thursday Nights starting on the week of March 28th! Games will be played at 6:30pm, 7:30pm, 8:30pm, and 9:30pm (although exceedingly rare). All games will be played at East Riverside Park in Greer.
We are playing in a Church Co-Ed/B league which is purposed for more of a ‘grab your glove and play’ than a competitive league.
Email Sean for more details.

Trailside Trails Hiking Group
Join us for our weekly hikes on Thursdays! Contact Pattie Dutchik at for more information! Please be sure to read the event description for further information regarding where the hike is!

Board Games
Email Sean for more details!